Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Email Messages

I love email.  It's a great way to chat with Jason without calling and interrupting each other's work.

He reads a science-y/technology-y online magazine called Engadget, so he forwards me things he thinks will interest me.  We send each other reminders about dentist appointments, termite inspections, or asking if the other needs anything from the grocery store/Target.  Other times, it's to express frustrations (or good things) at work that we may not remember to share hours later when we see each other.

These emails are all nice, but there are other emails that I like the best...

JASON: What's wrong with M&Ms for lunch?  they're tasty and colorful.  Didn't you say colorful food = nutritious?
MEG: Only if you eat the green ones.

MEG: I used the word "splut" today in class to describe an apple falling from a plane and hitting the ground.  I'm thinking (after seeing my students' faces) that "splut" may not be a real word...
JASON: Yeah, you had to know that wasn't a real word.  Just some made-up onomatopoeia!
MEG: I think "splut" should be a real onomatopoeic word, since that is definitely the sound the apple would make.
JASON: [sends me a link to Merriam-Webster's website where you can submit words to be considered for their dictionary]

MEG: Well, I just got A'Lexus added to my class with Alexa, Alexis, or Alexus.  *face palm*
JASON: I wonder what the apostrophe replaces...

It's these silly emails that really reflect our relationship.  When we were dating, our emails were quite mushy.  We don't really email like that anymore, but I love these little back-and-forth random ponderings almost as much.  I've been blessed with a witty, intelligent fella that puts a smile on my face even on the most frustrating days at work.

What strange emails have you had back and forth with a loved one?


Jenelle Leanne said...

:) Fun!

I don't think I have any random emails back and forth with Derek... however, Leiana likes to write him notes, and sometimes I'll tell her which buttons to push (but she holds them down so her words are a lot longer than they need to be) and she's sent him numerous messages that looks a lot like this:





Unknown said...

Haha, that's awesome! And I'm sure Derek loves it.