Friday, February 17, 2012

You Are So Beautiful...

I have a new love in my life.

It's my electric three-hole punch.

Make fun all you want (my students certainly did as I gushed to each of them the day I got it), but I punch 100 sheets of notes a day, 5 days a week.  My old manual three-hole punch could only fit about 10 sheets at a time, and I had to jump a bit to give it enough force to punch.

Now, I just push a button and *whrurrrrr, whommmm* presto!  Punched papers!


Amanda English said...

Oh the little things that make us happy! xoxo A-

Jenelle Leanne said...

I guess you have to be a teacher to understand this... because my thought was "SWEET!!!" and then I read about your students making fun of you. Sadness. Teachers are so rarely understood. :)