Tuesday, February 14, 2012

That Moment

Disclaimer: Today's post is a bit mushy.  If you're anti-romance right now, be sure to return tomorrow for a much more cynical post about Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day, 2007...
Jason and I had been dating for less than a month, so neither of us really knew what to do/get each other.  We weren't at that point of having the "Hey, I'm going to spend [x] amount on you, just thought I'd let you know" conversation, so we both winged it.

Jason came to Enthalpy and we had lunch together in the conference room.  I think it was sandwiches or something (nothing too fancy), and he gave me a Valentine's Day card.

That evening, he came over with a bunch of roses and a giant box of what I thought was chocolate.  I said thanks and didn't open the box until he prompted me to.  Inside, instead of chocolate, was a ton of different kinds of cheeses!  Less than a month in, and he already knew the key to my heart!  Even better was when he then handed me a gallon-sized Ziploc bag full of the chocolate he had taken out of the box.  Hilarious!  He also gave me a second Valentine's Day card.

I was in charge of dinner, and I decided to surprise him with a romantic dinner... at Chic-Fil-A.  Melody was in charge of PR there at the time, and they had classed up the joint with tablecloths, carnations for all the ladies, and a violinist.  I pulled out real plates, silverware, and goblets from my bag to make it a bit fancier.

After dinner, we headed to Chapel Hill (patooey!) to the planetarium.  They were doing a special Valentine's Day program about the love stories of the constellations (like Andromeda and Perseus).  It was the perfect way for two geeks to spend Valentine's Day together.  Oh, and I did I mention he gave me a THIRD Valentine's Day card?  He said he liked all three and couldn't decide between them.

Jason then took me back to his place and serenaded me with his guitar.  I'm keeping some details private, so  I won't mention what the song was.  Anyway, after that, he just started fiddling around on the guitar.  Maybe he was trying to remember the chords of another song, or maybe he just didn't know what else to do.

Then, I had the moment...

That moment when you look at someone (I don't even think he was turned towards me) and realize "Wow, I love him."  It wasn't like I reflecting on how perfect the night had been or how romantic the serenading had been.  I was just looking at Jason and realizing that I had completely fallen for him.

Ok, all you lovebirds, what was "the moment" for you?  Did it hit you all at once like it did me, or did you just wake up one day and realize you had been in love and hadn't even realized it?  I'd love to hear your story!


Amanda English said...

Sigh... <3

Stop by soon! I'd love to hear what you think about my Valentine post!


Jenelle Leanne said...

It was more of a gradual thing for me... but I was "in love" (unrequited, LOL) with someone else when I met Derek... so that was a major hurdle for him when it came to "winning my affections." :)

Jill said...

I've heard this story and I don't know why you're not disclosing the serenade song was Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back"... I thought that detail was particularly touching and aside from the box of cheese, really showed how much Jason "got you." You know, the other key to your heart being silly 80s dance music. I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE...

Unknown said...

Jill, thank goodness I didn't read this until after the bell rang. I think that one may be hard to explain why Mrs. Self is cracking up laughing!