Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Favorite Christmas Movies

I have two favorite Christmas movies -- "White Christmas" and "Elf."

White Christmas
1954 Musical starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Ellen

I have no idea why I love this movie so much, but I do.  Very little of it is "Christmas-y," but I know every word of it.  I've mentioned before on this blog that my family calls each other and sings the song "Snow" whenever it's snowing where we live.  In addition to that, my sisters and I sing "Sisters" oh, maybe 10 times a year.

2003 Comedy starring Will Ferrell, James Caan, and Zooey Deschanel

This movie is funny, but also so innocent and heartwarming.  A measure of a good movie is its quotability, and this movie is FULL of good quotes!  It makes me laugh, and (with hot cocoa with a candy cane in it) it makes for a great evening!

What's your favorite Christmas movie?

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

I've never seen White Christmas, but def love elf!