Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sound Advice, Mr. Crosby

There's a song in "White Christmas" that goes like this: "When you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep.  And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings..."  I actually found myself doing this last night when I was struggling to go to sleep.  Hear the song here.

I know I'm blessed.  I'm blessed with the world's best husband (don't try to fight me on this, folks, he's the best, end of story).  I'm blessed with a wonderful family and great friends, and the ability to keep in touch with them even though we live across the state from each other.  I'm blessed with good health (current cold aside) and a great job.

Sometimes it's my job that keeps me up at night.  I've had two students drop out in the past two weeks.  I have students who find my last nerve and do everything they can to get on it.  I have an endless mountain of paperwork that piles up daily.  But I'm not going to focus on that.  I'm going to focus on students who are blessings to me.  (The names of my little blessings have been changed.  Can't let them know I like them...)

There's Shannon, my budding astronomer, and Hannah, who told me yesterday that she's asked for a lab coat for Christmas (as I was wearing mine).  There's Alan, who tried to get his spring semester changed so that he could take Physical Science with me (even though he hasn't taken Biology or the required maths).  There's Dinah, who wants to be a fashion designer and shares with me things she makes in her Teen Living class.

I don't have 82 of these blessing students, but when their classmates are annoying the mess out of me, I look at them.  They give me a wide-eyed "I'm eager to learn" look, and I'm able to continue my day with a smile on my face.

This is it for my Christmas-themed posts.  I'm spending the next several days enjoying Christmas with my loved ones.  I hope you are able to do the same.  Merry Christmas, and take time to count your blessings.

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