Monday, December 19, 2011

My Demented Family

My parents have become really flexible about when "Christmas" is each year.  Now that all three of us have in-laws to balance schedules with, Christmas has sometimes been any time between the 21st through the 28th.  No matter when we celebrate, it's always a great time filled with family, presents, Christmas movies, and massive quantities of food.

Now sure, I could share pictures of sitting around the tree or playing board games, but instead I want to talk about Mom's dwarf/elf.  She made him decades ago, and each Christmas, he's been there in all his creepy glory.  He's maybe 2-3 feet high, made of papier mache, and looks like one of the seven dwarfs.  In the past few years, we've started moving him.

It all started one year with Kara.  When she was in the bathroom getting ready in the morning, and I'd place him outside the closed door so she'd see him when she came out.  She would go eat breakfast, and I'd put him in her bed.  The final straw was when we placed him in her passenger seat of her car.  She came back into the house, a bit steamed, and said, "Just tell me that you're moving him and that he isn't doing this himself!!!"

Wow, that was a fun year.  More recently (and something I've actually captured with pictures) we found something else fun to do with the dwarf.

What a "wee" little one he is!  Merry Christmas, from the Davenports!

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