Monday, December 12, 2011

Season of Giving

Christmas is the season of giving.  Jason and I have a few charities and causes that we give to year-round, and I wanted to share them with you.

Campus Crusade for Christ
I first joined Crusade my second year of college, and it made a large impact in my life.  It brought me closer to God, helped me better understand the Bible, and made me more knowledgeable about what I believe and why I believe it.  It also brought me two of my dearest friends (Melody and Gretchen, both of whom I met through Crusade).  It opened up an opportunity for me to go on a mission trip to Ocean City, Maryland, which was a life-changing summer for me.

One of the best parts of that summer was meeting these two awesome ladies, Kirstin and Renee.  Their lives were changed by Crusade, too, so much that they decided to join staff with Crusade.  They wanted to help change other college students' lives.

They are a large reason Jason and I give to Campus Crusade.  I think it's awesome what they do, and I like to help in my own way.

ALS Association
In 2009, our friend Stuart noticed muscle weakness in his arm and went to the doctor.  His doctor diagnosed him with some form of motor neuron disease.  One possibility was ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease), a 100% fatal disease that kills nerve cells and deteriorates muscle tissue.  Thankfully, Stuart has not actually been diagnosed with ALS, but this whole situation made Jason and I more aware of the disease and the people affected by it.

Since then, we have participated with Stuart and his friends and family in the Walk to Defeat ALS.  We raised money both in 2010 and 2011 to help families dealing with ALS.  Every little bit helps.

Cancer Foundations:
Jason and I give in several ways to foundations fighting cancer.  The main cause we give to is 24 Hours of Booty, a 24-hour bike ride as part of the LIVESTRONG Foundation.  My sister-in-law Jodi (a cyclist) participates in this ride every year because she lost her grandmother to cancer when she was 13.  I like to give to this cause not only because of Jodi, but because cancer stole two of my grandparents before they ever met any of their grandchildren.

We're not the only people who have been affected by cancer.  Here's a picture of Jodi's jersey one of the years she rode.  She asked people to give her names of loved ones who had been affected by cancer.  All I can say is wow...

This Christmas season, consider giving to a cause near and dear to your own heart.  Every little bit can make a big impact.

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