Thursday, March 29, 2012


A few months ago, I was blogging about me and Jason (shocking, I know) through the years.  As I added pictures, I noticed how much he had changed his appearance... gelled spiky hair, buzz cut, clean-shaven, 5:00 shadow, to *shudder* mustache and goatee.  On the other hand, I looked the same... medium-brown curly hair in every picture.

2008: Wedding Rehearsal Dinner...
I had some highlights for the wedding, but medium brown and curly.

2009: Memorial Day Cookout
I had gotten rid of the highlights (and gone through a semi-traumatic copper red phase), but look, medium brown and curly...

2010: Jake's Graduation/Benny's Birthday/Sara's Going Away Party
Had a big hair cut, but look, same hair (and same shirt... how embarrassing!)

2011: Sporting my new lab coat
Starting to notice a hair trend yet?

Ok, there is a reason for sharing all of this, I promise.  After noticing my lack of a "hair style" for the past, oh, forever, I called up my hairdresser from Jamesville and booked an appointment for over spring break.  He asked what was it for (as in, cut, color, etc.) and I said "something drastic, but I don't know what."  I do get my hair cut here in Raleigh, but no one knows my hair better than John, so if I'm going to do something crazy, he's going to be on the other side of those scissors.

Here's my hair a few weeks ago before church:

The question is, what should I do with it?  I've already had two people weigh in (voting for "DON'T CUT IT!!!" and "go blond again!").  What do you think?  For real... I'm asking for opinions.  


Amanda English said...

So this past weekend when you came over, I was like OH MY GOSH look how long your hair is! I love your hair long!!! I think sometimes natural coloring is best suited for us, I mean we are made that way for a reason right? ;) I'm actually going back to dark next hair cut... WOW I know! I just think it will be easier.


PS - Maybe I'm no helping, but you know how much I love long hair and I think you have wonderful hair!


Jenelle Leanne said...

You have beautiful hair, I'm jealous of your curls.

But... if you want drastic recommendations... locks of love is a fun way to make a drastic change :)

I had friends do it all throughout college but I never got up the guts to do it until last May... it was SUPER different, but also really fun (and made it harder to back out of, since I had mentioned what I was doing to a few people). Growing it out again is even kinda fun. :)