Monday, March 19, 2012

Jamesville Weekend

Going to try and keep this short, since I'm crazy-behind at work, and this is my planning period.  A little over a week ago, I headed east for a solo trip to Jamesville.  I was there for a baby shower, so Jason could not be persuaded to come along.  What did this trip entail?  I had two requests -- to see Addison and to eat fish.

My town is located on the Roanoke River, and we have two seasonal seafood restaurants.  I ordered a small rock plate (rock is a type of striped bass) with stewed potatoes, hush puppies, and slaw.  Cost?  $6.95.  Insanely good deal!  Daddy also ordered a side of herring, so I got one of those.  Jamesville is kind of known for our herring.  That's why we have the Herring Festival each Easter weekend.  However, if you order it, you have to put the Southern twang on it and say it like the bird: "heron."  Pronounce the "g" and they'll know you're from out of town.

Mom doesn't usually keep Addison on Saturdays, but they made special plans so I could see her.  That girl is a handful, but an adorable handful!  I'll have a longer Addi-only post later, but here's a sneak peak:

Like I said, I was in Jamesville for a shower.  My high school friend Kyle and his wife Amy were having a shower at Kyle's home church.  They're both Wake County-ers now, and I get to see them every week at church.  I had asked Amy if I could paint letters for their baby girl, Grace Ann.  She excitedly agreed!

Her colors are lavender and white, and I just came up with the patterns.  I think Grace Ann will approve! :)

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

YUMMY fish! Addison is sooooo cute! xoxo A-