Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Painting Pottery

A while back, Amanda and I painted pottery.  We've done this before (I painted a platter with West Virginia colors for her husband Joe's birthday), and this time I decided I wanted to paint a figurine.

Amanda went with a little jewelry/knick-knack box shaped like a cupcake.

I found a dinosaur... an adorable one at that!  You paint several coats onto the pottery, and then pick it up later when they have fired and glazed it.  Here was my dinosaur when I left him...

And here he is after!  Everybody, meet Herbert!  Herbert made his debut at school on Monday, sitting on my bookshelf away from the curious hands of 96 teenagers.  Here's hoping he'll have a long life!

What a cutie!  Even if Jason keeps asking me why he looks so nervous... :)


Amanda English said...

He's so cute!!!!!!! xoxo A-

Jenelle Leanne said...

Awww, he's adorable! (and you can tell Jason he's just nervous about those 96 curious teenagers)