Friday, March 16, 2012

What a Week!

Hi folks, just writing today to let you know I have not abandoned you or this blog.  This week has just been insane!

This has been a really lab-heavy week, which means lots of planning, setting up, tearing down, and setting up for the next day.  Wednesday, a lab that was supposed to take the rest of class was done with about 30-40 minutes to spare.  Enter Bill Nye.  Always a life-saver... except I had planned to show him the next day instead!  Enter creating a last-minute worksheet and making copies yesterday morning before students started showing up!

Today is my interview for the teaching award thing.  This week, I needed to put together a portfolio to bring with me.  I kept shrugging it off.  I keep a large portfolio of everything we do in class, so I figured the portfolio would practically make itself.  Wrong.  I was at school til 6:00 yesterday putting it together.  Being gone today also means I have a substitute teacher.  This is my first time having a sub, so I was running around yesterday asking what I needed to leave the sub and also trying to clean up/put away stuff so the sub would be able to FIND my lesson plans on my desk.

Missing today also means that I lose my planning period and any potential after-school productivity.  So this morning, I planned out what we're doing Monday after notes (yes, I'm THAT behind!) and worked a bit more on my Exploring Light Extravaganza planned for next Thursday.  Other things I've done this morning (yes, between when I get to school at 6:00 and now): I wrote up Monday's activity, glued some craft sticks together to represent polarizing filters, replaced the air fresheners in my room so it wouldn't smell like sewage (that's a whole other issue!), and printed off tests to put in for copies.

One more indicator of what my week has been like... this morning, I ironed a pair of khaki pants on the floor.  I've been too busy this week to do it before today, and our ironing board also serves as a catch-all in our guest room, so I didn't have time to clean it off.  So yep, 5:30 this morning I was ironing pants on my floor.  I wonder if that will come up in my interview... :)

Stay tuned for next week.  I visited family next week, so I should have some good Addison pictures to share. You know... once I get a chance to look at them!!!


Jenelle Leanne said...

Good luck at the interview.

And, because I'm your snarky friend... I'm impressed that you managed to get pictures already from NEXT week, when you visited family. LOL Love ya!

Unknown said...

I knew I should have proofread... either that, or I never should have revealed to everyone that I have a time machine!

Amanda English said...

Ironing your pants on the floor made me LOL! I miss your post! Come back! ;) xoxo A-