Monday, August 29, 2011

Classroom Pics

I finally got around to taking some pictures of my room now that it's presentable-looking.

I'm still working with limited school supplies, so Scotch tape has been my best friend this week.  Here's a picture of the sign outside my door, including Larry, my tiny wooden dinosaur I found at Michael's for 59 cents (confession: I just now decided to name him Larry).

My room: I tried to make it as colorful and exciting as possible, so I put up any and every science poster I could get a hold of.

My desk:  the beakers are to put popsicle sticks with the students' names in there so that I can call on them at random to answer questions.  Milli's there, as is my solar flower who LOVES the sunny window behind my desk.  It's dark in the picture because I took it at 6:00 when I got there Wednesday morning, but it's usually really bright.

My view outside my window once the sun came up.

I know that's not a lot of pictures, but it hopefully gives you an idea of what my room looks like.