Friday, August 26, 2011

First Day Fun

I survived my first day of school!  After all the panic and nervousness of the workweek, I was surprisingly calm when I woke up Thursday morning.  I had several outfits in mind, and ended up picking this one -- gray dress pants, blue patterned shirt, white cardigan.

I rushed around getting stuff ready this morning and hit my first snag -- my projector was bad!  We don't each have our own projectors, so we check them out from the Media Center.  I tried every option under the Menu, but with no success.  I ended up calling the Media Center in distress and they told me to bring that one back and they'd give me a new one.  The #1 rule of teaching is to expect things to go wrong.  I was hoping the projector would be my one "thing going wrong" and that the rest of the day would go smoothly.

And you know what?  It did!

Ever since my first day teaching in Dr. Siegerman's forensic class back in 2010 (my first semester of grad school), the "teaching" part of the teaching profession has come easily to me.  It's the brainstorming, planning, copying, setting up, etc. that's overwhelming!  Once the students were in the room, I felt at home.  That doesn't mean things weren't chaotic, hectic, and exhausting... but that is what "home" feels like for a teacher!

1 down, 179 to go!


Jenn & David said...

so proud of you!! Hope all is well at LHS!

Unknown said...

All is well and all is awesome! Thanks for the well-wishes!