Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Good Ol' Days

I mentioned the other day that I've been looking through our collection of photos to find some to print.  What we have in mind are things like flowers, buildings, etc., but in looking, I ran across old pictures from when Jason and I were dating.  I enjoyed them, so I thought I'd share...

March 2007, two months of dating...
This is from our first trip to Nebo, to meet his family (except I had already met his mom when she visited Raleigh the month before).  We drove around in the mountains, ending up at Linville Falls.

May 2007, four months in...
This is from our first trip (dating) to Jamesville.  Jason first visited Jamesville ten months before to help me move furniture to my new apartment, when we were still "just friends."  That had been a really awkward trip, but it all turned out well, didn't it?

also May 2007
When we visited my family, we also took a day trip to the Outer Banks.  Here, we are at Jockey's Ridge.  And yes, if you can make it out, we ARE both wearing chemistry shirts.  And no, we did not plan that.

July 2007, 5 months of dating
This is when we took our first "real" trip together to Washington, DC.  It was sooooo hot that weekend (close to 100 each day).  We toured the Mall and went to a White Stripes concert.  I don't have any pictures of us together, but here I am in front of the Capitol.

September 2007
This is one of my all-time favorite pictures, from the day we got engaged.  We were back in Nebo visiting his family, on top of a mountain, at 8:00 in the morning.  I love this picture because a) it turned out really well since Jason had to use his camera's timer, b) it shows off my ring even though I wasn't doing it on purpose, and c) Jason looks so mack-daddy in it.  "Yeah, she said 'yes,' what of it?"

That's all for today.  I also uncovered some more self-portraits-gone-wrong, but I'll keep them for another post.


Amanda English said...

Megan, OMGsh I didn't realize how much I missed your long hair until the 'May 2007, four months in...' picture. WOW you look absolutely stunning in that one! I think you need to grow the long hair back! LOVE IT! PS - you are still amazing, but just sayin'.

Unknown said...

Now you tell me! I'll grow it/keep it long, as long as you come over every morning and do one of your funky hair styles. Otherwise, it's a bun... every day...