Thursday, August 4, 2011

Self Portraits Gone Wrong -- 2007 Edition

I don't want this to become a "Hey, let's take a bad self-portrait on purpose for my blog" thing, but I ran across some old not-so-good self portraits from when Jason and I were dating.

We were walking the trails outside the art museum that eventually lead to the walking bridge over 440.  Jason had his wide-angle lens on which, in my limited lens knowledge, makes things like bridges and buildings look really cool but distorts things like people holding the camera at arm's length when trying to take a self portrait.  Enjoy!

Nope, too close.  I'll have to stretch out my arm a bit more...

Nope, that didn't work... third time's a charm, right?

Third time's a thug face...

Happy and in-frame (if a bit distorted) people!

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