Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 11 -- What a Meeting That Will Be

A little while back, my aunt Tammy was interviewed by the county's newspaper showcasing local businesses (she runs a plant house).  When asked "Who is one person you would like to meet?" (the same as today's prompt) she replied that she would like to meet her husband's mother, who died before she and my uncle Jim got together.  I couldn't agree more.  I would like to meet my grandmother, Florence Williams.

For anyone who knows my family, I am my mother.  If you read Day 7, you know that's not a bad thing!  She owes much of who she is to her mother, who died when my mom was in her early twenties.  If I owe so much to my mom and she owes so much to her mom, that's a lady I would like to meet!  I wish I could have known my maternal grandmother and grandfather (who passed about the same time as his wife) and learned from them.

I don't want to make this a sad entry.  I have never met my maternal grandparents, but I will some day.  That's why country songs that talk about reuniting in heaven always make me cry, because I know I'll get to experience that some day.  Until then, I get to think about that meeting and what it will be like.  And what it will be like is rockin' awesome!

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