Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 21 -- Things That Make Me Happy

My mom and dad got me The Book of Awesome and The Book of (Even More) Awesome for graduation, based on the website 1000 Awesome Things.  These are things like putting on clothes fresh from the dryer or having a cashier open a new lane right when you go to check out.  While I'm not going to bore you with 1000 things that I find awesome, here are a few everyday things that brighten my day.

Ironically, today is supposed to be a picture of something that makes me happy, but the picture-loader does not seem to be working.  I guess you'll have to read about things instead of seeing them...

~Boston Terriers -- My first dog, Pepper, was a Boston Terrier, and I have a soft place in my heart for them.  Whether it's on a commercial or at the flea market, BTs make me squeal.

~Catching up with Friends -- Yesterday, my college roommate Shannon called and we talked for a long time, catching up with each other's lives.  After nine years of friendship, it's one of those effortless conversations that I really treasure.

~Tomato Sandwiches -- Nothing says summer to me like a tomato sandwich -- bread, tomato, mayo, salt, and pepper.  I cram as many tomato slices as possible between those two slices of bread.  By the end of the meal, my forearms are dripping in juice/mayo.  I think I would be happy eating a tomato sandwich every day of the year, but unfortunately they're only worth eating in the summer when tomatoes are ripe.  One piece of advice: skip the bland, mealy things grocery stores call tomatoes and head to a farmer's market (or garden, if you're lucky enough to have one).

~Silly Routines -- I'm a creature of habit.  Apparently, so is Jason.  Whether it's the kiss-and-mail routine when he gets home from work, wishing each other a "Happy Trash Day" on Tuesdays, or doing the weekly Friday dance, it's these little traditions we've created that are highlights of my day.

~Painting -- There's something very awesome about sitting on my stool by my easel, wearing old, ok-if-I-get-paint-on-them clothes, iPod cranking my favorite tunes, and painting letters for someone's nursery.  Having a baby is one of life's greatest joys, and so many families have let me share in that celebration by adding to their nursery decor.

~Blog-Writing -- I don't know that I will be a daily blogger after the 30-Day Challenge, but I really enjoy blogging.  I don't know if it's because I'm a natural talker, and this is like talking to all of you.  Maybe it's because it's part of my daily routine at a time when I have no routine.  Maybe it's because I get lonely being at home every day instead of teaching 90+ students.  No matter the reason, I look forward to my daily entries, and I'm glad you read along.

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

There are some other blog challenges that are super fun that you could look into. I've got some fun ones saved.