Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 26 -- I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

I've been blessed with many friends.  If I tried to say how I feel about each of my friends (today's prompt), this would be a really, really long post!  My friends hopefully know what they mean to me.  So here, I'm just going to share some reasons why I love my friends!

~Wedding planning.  These friends were in the thick of list-making, budget-busting, and hysteria-calming and survived to tell about it.
~Girly movies and tv shows.  These are enjoyed so much more when you can "aww" or yell at the tv together with a friend.
~Girl "dates."  Whether it's shopping, grabbing a bite to eat, or sitting in a coffee shop for hours, the time spent with these friends is better than whatever activity we're doing.
~Knowing each other.  This means knowing the details of each other's lives.  You don't have to say "My second cousin's hairdresser's girlfriend" each time you're telling a story because these friends already know who "Susie" is.
~Sharing/borrowing.  These friends openly lend you the contents of their closet and jewelry box, and they know that they can borrow from you.  They also are willing to pour over the contents of your wardrobe for hours helping you find the "perfect outfit" for whatever event you have coming up.
~Chatting.  On a long drive?  Bored?  Need to mull over a big decision in your life?  These are the friends that are just a phone call away from making your day.
~Utter silliness.  Trying on prom dresses at a department store (long after the age where we'd be asked to go to a prom)?  Feel the urge to put on 80s music and dance around your living room like an idiot?  Want to go to a teenybopper movie you're embarrassed about?  Everything's better with a friend who will laugh later about how fun and silly that thing was.
~Availability.  I love friends who make time to hang out.  Whether this is my "during a workday" friends who keep me from dying from boredom this summer or the ones who work countless hours a week and still make time for me on the weekend.  I can tell they value our friendship.

There are countless awesome things about having friends.  I hope to live a long life with these friends, and sit around having cheesecake discussing the good old days!

And now, you know you want to...

Thank you for being a friend... traveled down the road and back again.
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant.
And if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew.  Well you would see, the biggest gift would be from me, and the card attached would say, "Thank you for being a friend."
Bum bum bum ... bum... bum buuuuuum!

1 comment:

Amanda English said...

I think I fit into the '~Girl "dates." Whether it's shopping, grabbing a bite to eat, or sitting in a coffee shop for hours, the time spent with these friends is better than whatever activity we're doing.' ;)